Mammouth55's avatar


(._.) ( |:) (.-.) (:| ) (._.)
89 Watchers181 Deviations


Celebrate DeviantArt's 15th Birthday!

As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment before blowing out our candles to thank the community for allowing us the honor of hosting the site that you call your home for art. After all, it's the community's 15th birthday, too, and in the past few months, we've been making it our top priority to share with you our plans for the future, celebrate the successes of our past, and look to you for guidance on how best we can serve each of you while entering this new phase of DeviantArt's existence. Featured Twitter Facebook Google+ As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment bef


1897 deviations
Friendly Mammoth


831 deviations

Pixel art

416 deviations

Celebrate DeviantArt's 15th Birthday!

As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment before blowing out our candles to thank the community for allowing us the honor of hosting the site that you call your home for art. After all, it's the community's 15th birthday, too, and in the past few months, we've been making it our top priority to share with you our plans for the future, celebrate the successes of our past, and look to you for guidance on how best we can serve each of you while entering this new phase of DeviantArt's existence. Featured Twitter Facebook Google+ As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment bef

Journals,tutorials and others

156 deviations
Llama contest comic

Stuff made for me

13 deviations


103 deviations
mesin tempur


89 deviations
skifcha - Dubstep Hipster Cat


30 deviations
You  Know How To Spoil A Great Guy

That guy beefpaper

51 deviations
CLOSED / 6 / Adopt Auction


7 deviations
Low Poly Skull

Low poly art

11 deviations